Digital Communication about Art
A digital journal to communicate and explore ideas about digital culture & art.

1. After having read about the examples in "An Infinite Seance Part 2", what do you think it means for new media artworks to "satisfy that thirst for media-specific art and still fit perfectly into the current trends"?
In this reading, I found that there was a tendency for the artists to use older, out-dated technologies and use these to reflect upon the use of technology today. In a way they were hacking these older technologies creatively, in a way that they were not intended to be used, to create their art. These obsolete technologies were then repurposed to create art and comment on the newer technologies.

2. To what extent do you agree that the open source movement is reminiscent of a Marxist revolution, and why?
I found this article constructed a very convincing argument. My own view of the open source movement before reading the article was about not losing a freedom; we already have free access to so many things using the internet and we don't want that access to become restricted. There are still capitalist platforms that do encourage individual creators (Youtube, for example). Creativity does flourish without the need for incentive, but this does not mean incentive and earning a the means live destroy creativity. I think understanding that creators need to be financially protected (within reason) is still present, even with the open source movement.

3. What do you think is the particular role that 3D printing has in the critique and imagination of radical futures?
With the option of 3D printing, object can theoretically be made anywhere. This includes the objects of our imagination. However with this creativity, there is a disconnect from the medium which can contribute to the consumerist wastefulness. This creates the unintended effect of feeling less responsibility for the resulting creation and its effects. There is a critique on plastic and the other various materials used to print.

4. How do you think glitches can be useful in asking critical questions and generating creative solutions?
A glitch can be seen as a creative problem. They help to discover new ways to ask questions. For example, there is a standard of compression, but you can create your own compression scheme in order to better control what is cut away in your work.
Quiz 5