Digital Communication about Art
A digital journal to communicate and explore ideas about digital culture & art.

1. In your own words, how does the imagination of utopia serve a critical function, compared to rational critique of the Truth, in cultural politics?
The Truth in this technological age is constantly changing and dependent and varies depending on the source. When proposing change in the realm of the possible, the solution is usually something that is already established. On the other hand, the solutions are limitless in the realm of imagination. This type of thinking helps to move the focus from the problem to wonderful possibilities and solutions.

2. Briefly summarize your understanding of the role of geology in media theory.
In the time that humans have been the dominating influence on the environment, we have used technical media to analyze and influence the environment, and the technological media itself comes from the compounds and elements of the earth itself. Discussions concerning geology in media theory address materiality (and wastefulness) of technologies in historical and environmental context. This can be communicated using art and design and be presented using media culture.

3. Do you agree with Steyerl's take on the implications of spam on our political present in "Digital Debris"? Why or why not?
I do agree with Steyerl. Information on the internet is created in excess and for consumption. When scrolling through a feed, we disregard more information than we take in. This has already extended to human beings and their portrayal of themselves on social media platforms through excessive posting in their quest for likes or responses from whoever view the post.

4. What do you think are the implications that space, context, and curatorial direction can have on an artwork?
These can all have an effect on the audience and the artwork's reception. When presented in a compilation with other works, this can distract from the message of the piece, and remove the viewer's ability to immediately react and reflect on what they just watched/saw/experienced. It makes the experience more about consumption than understanding. On the other hand, if there was a collaboration of artwork, the artists' messages could be reinforced when everything is viewed together.
Quiz 4