Where is Digital Culture and Art in My Life?
Where is Digital Culture and Art in my life - Past, Present and Future
For this assignment, my group decided to focus on the evolution of communication in our lives. Our generation has seen an incredible evolution of technology. During our discussions about this evolution we also discovered a cycle embedded in the capabilities of these technologies. The cycle starts with communication in person, face-to-face. Then it progresses to written form through letters to spoken form through telephone. The emergence of email and cell phones make these methods for instantaneous and convenient. Technology has come full cycle, back to face-to-face communication, with applications such as FaceTime, Snapchat, and Skype. Our map that displays this evolution, as well as our predictions about future communication technologies is pictured below.
The hourglass is the symbol for the progression of time. The final element of our map is the DNA illustration within the hourglass. This is a representation of the nature of humans as social beings. Communication is so necessary for us, it forms a basis of who we are.